Soul Searching? Use Goggles.
Could you pass the Gibber & Ish Please? Thanks!
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Treatise of the What Condition
By a Basil-Chomping Megalomaniac.
The Lady who lived in the Shoe, had many children. This Lady was a Bitch. Mainly because it was probable that she was not really a Lady who lived in a shoe but a bitch who lived in shoe. A bitch and her many puppies that is. Her many “children” were noisy, nosy, boisterous and all other attributes that conjures to mind when you think of scampering goblins around a pot of gold. As usual, the Shoe-of-a-House was strew about with their clothes, jackets, socks, mp3 players, newspapers, hats, crayons, Legos and their little shoes as well. Lady aka Bitch was not too happy about this all and she summoned the eldest to grovel by her manicured toe. “Emmanuellea (you bacteria sounding of a name) go hang up your coat before it is thread all over by everyone else!” she thundered. Making Emmanuellea feeling mostly deaf – not that she intended to turn a deaf ear. Petrified yet overwhelmed by her constant feeling of adolescent angst and inertia to do anything, she did what any young adult would do – to not do as she was told. Lady gave her superpoke Bitch-Stare which seemingly bore through Emmanuellea’s eyes and scarred the words “Do It!” with Harry Potter lightening fonts in Emmanuellea’s mind.
Her Inertia broke through and Emmanuellea screamed, “Ah, you coats! YOU SHALL HANG, by dawn!!!”
Cries of Emmanuellea the uninfected rung true and clear throughout the Shoe – even the inhabitants of Left shoe heard her. All have remembered this blood chilling howl till Today.
me and my sporadic posts....
Legal Fiction.
Books that show you have been reading too much law
To Judge a Mockingbird
House Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter v Philosopher’s Stone
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Friday, August 10, 2007
the teddybear diary.
Louis wore her plaits neatly, her skirt and clothes plainly. She was about five or six and stood up only to, right about here. ( I move my hand to around my hips.)
She would walk the same route home from school. Past the grocers where Mr Mett sold the sweetest icicles, past the playground wore down by the racous of children, and past a row of houses.
It was there where she first picked up Mr Marlbo. He was a sad sad looking teddy bear. Its legs were cast a strew, its head drooping past its shoulders, with one of it paws missing. All I could say was Mr Marlbo was a sorry sight.
Louis, the angel that she was, immediately pointed him out to me. "Look at him! We need to bring him home. Give him a place to live!" she chirped.
That was how Mr Marlbo became part of our family. Goodbye to Barbies and the androgenous Kens. As God had given Adam an Eve, Mr Marlbo soon A Mrs Marlbo. Louis nursed her to care, gave her a new hair cut and hand made tiny bear-clothes for them. A bow tie for Mr Marlbo and a skirt for Mrs Marlbo.
The collection of tattered bears grew and grew. A tattered house for the tattered bears, and a tattered little car too. All I could say was Louis had a heart of gold. She looked after all that the other children had cast aside and cherished the rest like her own.
One day, Mr Marlbo finally woke up. He stood on his unsteady little legs and swung his one arm to steady himself. He took his first step, then the next. Mr Marlbo found himself in front of Louis. He asked, "Why do you love me so much? I am but an injured bear, never as fluffy or as cuddly as the new ones..." Louis smiled to herself.
"I love you so. I love you so."
"As no one will, only I get to love you. Then you would love, only me."
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Alec Baldwin's Glengarry Glen Ross Speech
Haha. Love this.
its a speech made by Alec Baldwin on Glengarry Glen Ross.
It some sales motivation speech ( its more derogatory obscenities riddled berating )
the movie was adapted from the play of the same name.. was commonly known as
"death of the fucking salesman"
this show was created by David Mamet. His works are known for its terse vulgar dialogue and the exploration of masculinity.
Eg. Works like The Edge ( 2 men in the woods fighting with a bear ..and it's a psychothriller. really. ) Hannibal ....
and the parodized version from Saturday Night Life.... Alec Baldwin in the Christmas Version
= )
It's censored too... " Elf You! "
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Through the Looking Glass

An extract from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die;
Ever drifting down the stream -
Lingering in the golden gleam -
Life, what is it but a dream?
Doing a bit of Soul Searching? Use the Google search engine.
There was a purple tree that grew purple fruit and had purple leaves. Therein lived a cat with purple fur as well. It could speak many languages, English French German and Katese to name a few. Although it wasnt too good at Katese himself.
Every single morning the gardener of the park, which had the purple tree in which the purple cat lived in would arry the watering flask through and flo the compound, making such a din that it would be the cat's very own morning call.
In response, the cat would say "Good Morning! Mr Gardener! How do you do!" and the gardener would be quiet. Then the cat said, "Bonjour!" and likewise the gardener wouldnt reply. He would go on along snipping a little here, cutting a little there, watering the petunias. The cat would then say, "Guten Morgen!" in a gruff german sort of way, and would Mr Gardener turn to give a decent hello?
Well, Mr Gardener would turn towards the purple tree, promptly picking up the purple cat, and tossing it over the wall, out of the garden.