Soul Searching? Use Goggles.

Could you pass the Gibber & Ish Please? Thanks!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Alec Baldwin's Glengarry Glen Ross Speech

Haha. Love this.
its a speech made by Alec Baldwin on Glengarry Glen Ross.
It some sales motivation speech ( its more derogatory obscenities riddled berating )

the movie was adapted from the play of the same name.. was commonly known as
"death of the fucking salesman"

this show was created by David Mamet. His works are known for its terse vulgar dialogue and the exploration of masculinity.
Eg. Works like The Edge ( 2 men in the woods fighting with a bear ..and it's a psychothriller. really. ) Hannibal ....

and the parodized version from Saturday Night Life.... Alec Baldwin in the Christmas Version
= )

It's censored too... " Elf You! "

Pusher 2

reali want to watch this Mads Mikkelsen Movie

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Through the Looking Glass

An extract from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass

Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.

In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die;

Ever drifting down the stream -
Lingering in the golden gleam -
Life, what is it but a dream?

Doing a bit of Soul Searching? Use the Google search engine.

There was a purple tree that grew purple fruit and had purple leaves. Therein lived a cat with purple fur as well. It could speak many languages, English French German and Katese to name a few. Although it wasnt too good at Katese himself.

Every single morning the gardener of the park, which had the purple tree in which the purple cat lived in would arry the watering flask through and flo the compound, making such a din that it would be the cat's very own morning call.

In response, the cat would say "Good Morning! Mr Gardener! How do you do!" and the gardener would be quiet. Then the cat said, "Bonjour!" and likewise the gardener wouldnt reply. He would go on along snipping a little here, cutting a little there, watering the petunias. The cat would then say, "Guten Morgen!" in a gruff german sort of way, and would Mr Gardener turn to give a decent hello?

Well, Mr Gardener would turn towards the purple tree, promptly picking up the purple cat, and tossing it over the wall, out of the garden.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

the happiest person is an idiot,
the saddest person, a clown.

By the Roadside

chasing the winds of hopes and dreams,
he was left an empty man.
an empty soul, left alone,
by the road that never ends.
He laughs to himself
the simple folly,
that all else could have made.
He laughs once again,
for he is the one that's dead.